5 minute guide to the best web builder for your business

Sick of spending hours trawling Google to find the right solution for your website?  We’ve compiled a 5 minute guide so that you can get the basics understood quickly.


You’re a service based business? Launch Studio recommends Squarespace.

You need a web builder that you can make look beautiful but it’s also super easy to use. You need a web builder such as Squarespace, ShowIt, Webflow or Wix. Of these, we at Launch Studio work with and recommend Squarespace.  We have found that it’s the perfect blend of customisation to ensure we can be design led rather than limited by the confines of the web builder platform and intuitiveness and great usability for our clients once the sites are handed over.  It’s essential that a website is an iterative part of your business so that it can grow with you, not be the thing that holds you back.

One Planet Capital — built on Squarespace

mountain lodge — built on squarespace


You need a website that’s a real powerhouse? Launch Studio recommends WordPress.

If a web builder such as Squarespace isn’t going to fit the bill, then you can always go for a more custom solution using WordPress which we also use for many of our clients. We have found that clients tend to find Wordpress a little less user friendly and so often require ongoing support packages, however if you want to integrate specific APIs that can’t be easily coded into your site.

Suns Lifestyle — built by Launch Studio on WordPress

Value Invest — built by Launch Studio on WordPress


Your core business is selling products? Launch Studio recommends Shopify.

Shopify is the gold standard of e-commerce web platforms.  Whilst the basic version can be quite limited, there are many apps available to make shipping, product discovery and marketing a breeze.  Keep an eye on those apps though, they can vary greatly in quality and the costs rack up fast.

Don’t worry about design limitations in Shopify. By using custom code we can create design first solutions so your e-commerce store really stands out from the crowd.

If you’ve found this guide helpful and you’d like to talk to us further about the right website for your business then get in touch today.


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