Overcoming Creative block – 3 ways to help you push past the wall

Working day in, day out and bringing creative and illustrious ideas to the table can be tough, very tough. However, this is a completely normal and healthy thing to feel as a designer and it’s important to remember that instead of fighting your mind you should work with it. This in turn will help improve and maximise your ability on those off days where creative block has become a thing. In this short read, we have provided 3 of our tips to get you back to where you need to be.


Get inspired

Inspiration is around us everywhere, and often the best sources are found in the most obscure or unexpected places. Now, getting inspired can mean different things for different people, for example reading, analysing physical items or construction, and listening to music or sounds. Regardless of your chosen means, it’s important to be proactive and diligent, ensuring you can transform these factors into amazing designs and nail your briefs.

A potential route could be to consider your brief – really thinking of what the deliverables are and who they’d be targeting. Then go out and interact with as much material relating to those factors. Make notes, sketch, or take photos and then let your imagination run wild!


Break the routine, get active & get out

Now just as healthy as having a routine can be, it could also be hindering your chances to be creative. If you find yourself often doing the same things everyday it can obviously become very repetitive, this is why it is important to diversify our life both inside and outside the workplace. Make sure you interact with the world and leave your desk!

Remembering to be active and get outside is important too! This will help relieve stress and produce those all-important endorphins that will in-turn improve your design outputs.


Share your ideas

No idea is ever too silly or not worth sharing – the most absurd things can have relevance and importance to a project. This process can start a dialogue between you and your peers, allowing multiple interpretations of an idea to come to fruition. This could result in something incredible and help you develop an idea that you regarded as unsuitable yet actually has the legs to smash a clients brief.


Do you have any tips to overcome creative block? If so we’d love to hear from you!


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