Why we recommend Squarespace to our clients

As soon as a client approaches us wanting a new website, we recommend Squarespace. You’ll often find designers suggesting either Squarespace or Wix (and they’re always very passionate about which side of the fence that they sit!).

As Squarespace super-fans, we have a list as long as our arm as to why we recommend it, but, for the sake of time, here’s our 5 top reasons:

1 | It’s intuitive

Using the Squarespace dashboard couldn’t be more straight-forward. In the past 12 months alone we have moved 5 clients from Wordpress to Squarespace because they wanted the freedom to manage their site themselves, without expensive, monthly developer retainers to make changes and add content

2 | Responsive behaviour

A responsive website means that it works on your laptop, your tablet, your phone… And everything in between. No matter the screen size, the website works (and looks great, of course). We design every website across a minimum of 2 screen sizes (a desktop size, and a mobile size) so you can understand how your site will respond depending on the user. Squarespace’s native responsive tools mean that even if you make updates yourself, your site won’t ever ‘break’ when viewed on a different screen size.

3 | It doesn’t require separate hosting or plug-ins

In a similar vein to point 1, we have many clients asking us why their site is grinding to a halt, we take a look at the back-end and they have 50+ plug-ins all very out of date – and many of them they’re not even using. Said client has no idea they had to be kept up to date/licensed/managed/the list goes on. With Squarespace you don’t have to worry about any of this, it sorts it all for you, which means the actual maintenance of your site is extremely light and your site will remain functional even if you don’t touch it for a year (not that we recommend that!)

4 | Useful native SEO settings

Page descriptions? Meta tags? Image tags? Back links? Yep, you can do it all on Squarespace and it couldn’t be easier to set up – page descriptions are managed within the page settings, and image met tags can now be added directly within the image block.

5 | Customer support

Something not working? Can’t get hold of us to fix it (assuming we built your site!)? Squarespace support is available all day and into the evening – and even if the live chat isn’t available, you can drop them an email and they never take more than 24 hours to get back to you. The support team is incredibly knowledgeable and can answer your questions instantly. Who wouldn’t want that?

Don’t get us wrong, if you need an all-singing, all-dancing site that has completely customised functionality and does something that most sites don’t, Squarespace is not the one for you. You need something bespoke – but we can design and build that for you too.

Want to hear more? Get in touch today and let’s build your business a beautiful site!


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